Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mixed Greens with Soy Vinegar Dressing

I've never been very good at blogs. I've tried them before only to run out of steam after the first few posts. So...I'm trying this again. 
This time it'll be more focused on food; my favorite thing. I love cooking and I especially love cooking with my husband, O. Cooking together creates this kind of connection; it's romantic and fun and funny! We have a HUGE apartment but unfortunately our kitchen isn't so big. Somehow we make it work though. 
I was lucky to be raised by a mother who also loves to cook. I never really liked the food she cooked until I was much older--and wiser. I see now the glory that is "home-cooking." It's easy and for some things, like Alfredo sauce, it's quick. I made an Alfredo sauce during a commercial break once. No I did not open the can and throw it in a pot! I shredded the cheese, boiled the milk and butter and added a dash of freshly grated nutmeg. It was fabulous and quick! It took longer to boil the noodles. 
I digress though; this post is about Mixed Greens with a Soy Vinegar dressing. I love this salad. I love it more than I love pork! Last night we had pulled pork and this salad. I had about 4 bites of the pork before I dove into the salad and that was the end of me eating the pork. I could eat this salad every day!! 
There are so many different greens you could use for this salad. I used my greens from my CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) from BlueBird Gardens (based in Fergus Fall, MN). 

Here's the recipe:

1 pgk ramen noodles (crush them--use a meat tenderizer or a wine bottle--just make sure they are crushed--don't forget to take out the packet of seasoning though!)
3 T sesame seeds
1/4 -1/3 c slivered almonds (pine nuts would be good too)
2 T sugar
1/2 stick of butter (1/4 cup)

*Melt the butter in a pan over medium heat with the above ingredients. Stir continuously until they turn slightly brown. Keep an eye on it though because it once it starts to brown it will go quickly
Pour out onto a plate to cool. After about 5 minutes it will all be stuck together but you can break it apart. Quite frankly you could just stop here and eat this--it's so good! 

Wash and dry mixed greens. I used a variety of greens (spinach, romaine, bok choy, mizuna greens)
Add to bowl and then add the crunchy ramen noodle mix

3/4 c vegetable oil
1/4 c red wine vinegar
2T Soy Sauce
1/4 c sugar
*Mix well and pour over salad JUST BEFORE SERVING

I also added sliced radishes, cucumbers and sliced green onions. O thought it was a good idea to add a couple pieces of fresh basil too! This was a great idea. I ripped it up and added it in. I wasn't sure at first if the basil would be too strong but it was delicious! It added a nice floral quality to the salad. 


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