Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I told you!

I told you I wasn't good at this!!!
It's been almost 1 week and I haven't posted anything else and this is because all I've really cooked at home are hot dogs!!
I love a good hot dog though, especially in the summer. The Schweigert Old Fashioned Weiners are my all time fav but I do love a Hebrew International too! Raw onions, fried onions, ketchup and mustard. Mmmmm....I think I could have one right now.

I hope to post more later this week as I plan to actually cook! We are getting another one of our CSA boxes today with radishes, cabbage, turnips, lemon peppergrass, and my all time favorite vegetable; green onions. There is nothing better than a big, fat green onion dipped in salt. My mouth is watering.
Also, my mom gave me a big bag of rhubarb so I plan to make Rhubarb Dream Bars. I'll take pictures and post the recipe when I actually make it.

Oh--I told you I would maybe talk about my cats too. Alfred and Arthur are their names. Arthur is 9 months old and Alfred (the all black cat) is 2 years old. Alfred recently adopted us through the Humane Society. He's a lover and a talker. He talks ALL THE TIME! He and Arthur are getting along really well. They have even started to play together. However, this is not always a good thing. This morning they started to play around 430 or 5. They would run and jump across the bed. Alfred and his 12 or 13 pounds of muscle pounced off my body I don't know how many times! Stinker! Then he runs down the hallway and sounds like a horse! Arthur the dog and Alfred the horse. Great!


  1. I am excited to have another fun blog to read!! Um, should I stop following your other one though? :)
