Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Coleslaw with vinegar dressing

Mmmmm, coleslaw--a staple of any good summer meal.
Last week in our CSA box we received a head of cabbage--what is better to make with it than homemade coleslaw. Normally I make a creamy coleslaw as that is how my mother and her mother made it but this time I wanted something different. There is this amazing search engine out there called "Google". You may have heard of it before.  You want to know the best way to slice a tomato, Google it. You want to know how long to cook a 1 pound, 1 inch thick ribeye with a gas grill; Google it. I love Google. Sooo many times people ask where I found a recipe--GOOGLE!!
For this recipe all I did was enter "vinegar dressing coleslaw". I mixed and matched several recipes and below is the final product.

Combine the following ingredients--
2 1/2 T Cider Vinegar
3 T vegetable oil
2 T sugar
*pinch of tarragon
*2 tsp chopped fresh parsley
*the last two ingredients were not in any of the recipes I found but I thought they would add a nice balance to the dressing. Ooh-I was right! It was delicious! The parsley made the dish taste really fresh and light. As an added bonus it was parsley from our own garden. I love cooking with local ingredients, especially when they are from our back yard.

For the "meat" of the slaw Olivier used our handy-dandy mandolin to slice half the head of cabbage and 1 small white onion. We tossed that together with the dressed and voila, coleslaw. It was super easy to make and took no time at all. You can do this. You can take the time to make a great salad dressing with ingredients you have at home. You do not have to buy the dressing! Make it yourself. You'll surprise yourself at how easy it can be.

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