Wednesday, August 24, 2011


As many of you know O and I signed up for a CSA this year from Bluebird Gardens out of Fergus Falls. This is an excellent way to get your fresh veggies and one hell of a deal. I love it. Although sometimes I find we just can't eat 12 ears of corn in one week! I know, I know! We only have this sweet delectable corn for a few short weeks each year so I should really enjoy it but seriously, I've got ears of corn coming out of my actual ears!

Instead of eating ear after ear of corn I've come up with a lovely little side dish that utilizes the corn, zucchinis, and onions we receive in our CSA. I'm not sure what to call this. I think YOU should come up with the name. Whoever has the best name for the side dish gets a high 5 from me. That's right people you read it right; one high 5 from yours truly.

Here's the recipe:

Cut the kernels off of 6 years of uncooked corn (best to do this in a big bowl so the kernels don’t fly everywhere)—set aside

Sauté 1/2 of 1 large onion (or an entire small onion) diced, 1 zucchini (you could use green beans or asparagus) cut into large chunks with 1-2 T olive oil
Cook for 5-10 minutes
Add corn and 2 T butter (corn is always better with butter)
Sauté for a few minutes—5 max and add 1 clove crushed garlic and a smidgen of dill weed (about ½ teaspoon--I guess that's more than a smidgen, eh?) and salt and pepper to taste.

Presto—you’re done.

Bon Appetite

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