Wednesday, August 24, 2011


As many of you know O and I signed up for a CSA this year from Bluebird Gardens out of Fergus Falls. This is an excellent way to get your fresh veggies and one hell of a deal. I love it. Although sometimes I find we just can't eat 12 ears of corn in one week! I know, I know! We only have this sweet delectable corn for a few short weeks each year so I should really enjoy it but seriously, I've got ears of corn coming out of my actual ears!

Instead of eating ear after ear of corn I've come up with a lovely little side dish that utilizes the corn, zucchinis, and onions we receive in our CSA. I'm not sure what to call this. I think YOU should come up with the name. Whoever has the best name for the side dish gets a high 5 from me. That's right people you read it right; one high 5 from yours truly.

Here's the recipe:

Saturday, August 20, 2011

One Month!?!?

I cannot believe it has been one month since I last posted something. I've been busy--blah, blah, blah. Whatever. I should write more but I haven't. No excuses.
The last month has been busy doing all sorts of stuff. O's family was in town from France and Australia!! His brother, sis-in-law and 2 year old nephew were here for 3 weeks. I know, cringe! 3 WEEKS!? It wasn't as bad as it sounds. They stayed with us for 1 week, went to South Dakota for 1 week and then back again. It was such a joy to have them here. They are the best in-laws a gal could ask for.

What have we been eating for the last month you ask; a lot of random stuff. I feel like we haven't been cooking but I know we have. We must have. Right? When his family was here we tried to come up with "American" food for them and not necessarily all fried foods which are good but, well, maybe not always the healthiest of choices. Of course the first night we grilled HUGE T-bone steaks. Soooo good. Another night we had beer can chicken which is probably one of my favorite summer meals. Then there were lots of sandwiches. It's hard to give someone from France a loaf of our bread but they didn't seem to mind. We took vacation the 3rd week his brother was here and went out to the lake to stay with my parents. It was great! I need to be on vacation all the time. My mom, the saint that she is, made a turkey on the grill, pulled pork, potato salad and of course, corn on the cob; everyone's favorite!

Since they left we have been trying to get back to "normal"--whatever that is. Lounging around I guess is what it is. Today we took our bikes (first time in a long time) down to the farmer's market. We bought some beautiful heirloom cherry tomatoes, baby eggplant, a massive onion, some garlic, more tomatoes (for quasadillas), a huge basil plant and a dill plant. Speaking of dill--I need some. I want to make some pickles but no one seems to have enough dill for me! hhmmmppppfff.
With the cherry tomatoes we are going to make another one of my favorite summer-time meals. I have no name for it. It's just good.